What Can Help With Motivation

What Can Help With Motivation

Everybody has those days where the spark just isn’t there. Even the most driven among us can hit a low point where motivation seems to have packed its bags and left without a trace.

But don’t worry, it’s not a sign of laziness or a character flaw. It’s just a part of being human.

The good news is – there are ways to reignite that spark and get back on track.

This article will provide you with simple, effective steps to help you break free from the grip of a motivation slump.

Understand What Motivation Is

Before we get into how to get your motivation back, it’s important to understand what motivation really is.

Motivation is the driving force that propels us to take action. It’s the inner fire that fuels our desire to achieve goals, big or small. And just like a fire, it needs the right conditions to keep burning.

Although it may seem so, a lack of motivation doesn’t mean you’re lazy or that there’s something wrong with you. It’s a common experience we all face, and there are many factors that can affect our motivation.

It could be stress, lack of sleep, overwhelming tasks, or even a lack of clear goals. Recognizing and addressing these factors can help us maintain a steady level of motivation.

If there’s something you need to be doing right now and you can’t find the motivation to do it, here are 20 little things you can do to trick yourself into feeling motivated.

Unhappy Man

20 Things That Can Help With Motivation

1) Just Get Started

Often, the hardest part of any task is just getting started. The mountain of work ahead can seem daunting, and negative emotions can hold us back. However, it’s important to remember that every journey begins with a single step.

Instead of focusing on the entire task, concentrate on taking that first step. Once you start, you’ll often find that the momentum carries you forward, making the rest of the task seem less intimidating.

2) Act as If You Feel Motivated

Even if you’re not feeling particularly driven, acting as if you are can actually help to spark motivation.

This concept, known as the “fake it ’til you make it” approach, is backed by research. Studies have shown that our actions can influence our emotions.

So, by mimicking the behavior of a motivated person, you might just find that you start to feel more motivated yourself. This could mean throwing yourself into the task without thinking about it, displaying positive body language, or simply telling yourself that you’re excited about the task at hand.

3) Set a Ridiculously Small Goal

Another effective strategy for boosting motivation is setting a ridiculously small goal. This is a goal that is so easy to do that it’s almost impossible not to achieve it.

For instance, if you’re struggling to start a workout routine, your small goal could be to do just one push-up. Or, if you’re finding it hard to start a big project, your ridiculously small goal could be to write just one sentence.

By setting and achieving these tiny goals, you can build momentum and confidence, making it easier to take on larger tasks. Plus, it’s a great way to trick your brain into getting started, which, as we mentioned above, is often the hardest part.

4) Use the 10-Minute Rule

If the concept of setting a ridiculously small goal doesn’t convince you, try committing to a task for just 10 minutes.

The idea is the same – you can spark motivation by telling yourself that you only need to focus on the task for 10 short minutes, which will help you overcome the initial resistance that often comes with starting a task.

If you know you only have to work for 10 minutes, your task will become less intimidating and more manageable. Plus, once those 10 minutes are up, you may find that you’re in the flow and want to continue.

5) Focus on One Goal Only

Our energy and focus are finite resources. When we spread them too thin by trying to chase multiple goals at once, it can lead to a drop in motivation.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and just can’t get going, a good strategy is to concentrate on a single goal. By doing so, you can channel your energy and focus effectively, maintaining your motivation and making meaningful progress toward where you want to go.

6) Break Your Goal Down to Small Steps

Big goals can be overwhelming, and this can lead to a slump in motivation. To avoid this, try breaking your goal down into smaller, manageable steps.

Start by writing down what you need to do or want to accomplish. Then, break this down into every small step you need to take to reach your goal. Then, focus on just one thing from this list at a time. This approach makes your goal feel more achievable and can help to maintain your motivation.

7) Evaluate Your Goal – Is It Realistic?

Setting unrealistic goals can be a real motivation killer.

It’s important to evaluate your goal and make sure it’s achievable. This doesn’t mean you should aim low. On the contrary, you should actually always aim for something that challenges you but is still within your reach.

That said, you need to be realistic about how much you can achieve in a given timeframe. If a goal seems too big and intimidating and you can’t find any motivation to work toward it, you may need to break it down further into smaller, more achievable goals.

8) Review Your To-Do List

Another simple and effective way to reignite your motivation is by reviewing and simplifying your to-do list.

Often, we feel overwhelmed and unmotivated because our to-do list is cluttered with an array of tasks, big and small. This can make it seem like there’s a mountain of work to conquer, leading to a decrease in motivation.

Try trimming down your to-do list to just three main tasks. This will make your workload appear more manageable and less intimidating. Once you have your three tasks, focus on one thing at a time. You’ll find that this approach can help you stay focused and motivated, making it easier to get started and keep going.

9) Pair Your Task With Something You Enjoy

Another effective strategy to boost motivation is pairing annoying tasks with something you enjoy. This can turn a dreaded task into a more enjoyable experience, making it less of a chore and more of a pleasure.

For example, you could listen to your favorite podcast while cleaning or enjoy a cup of your favorite tea while working on a report. This method can make the task at hand more appealing, thus enhancing your motivation to get it done.

Woman Reading

10) Look for Inspiration

Inspiration can be a powerful motivator. It can come from various sources, such as a person who has achieved what you aspire to, a motivational book, or an insightful article.

Seeking external sources of motivation can provide you with a fresh perspective, new ideas, and the encouragement you need to light your inner fire.

11) Get Excited About Your Goal

Passion and enthusiasm are key drivers of motivation. When you’re excited about your goal, you’re more likely to feel motivated to work toward it.

So, try to foster a sense of excitement about your objectives. Visualize the end result, think about the benefits you’ll get from it, and let this excitement fuel your motivation.

12) Imagine Your Future If You Don’t Change

Visualizing the consequences of inaction can be a potent tool for motivation.

It’s easy to procrastinate or avoid tasks when we don’t see immediate repercussions. But when we take a moment to consider the long-term effects of not taking action, it can ignite a sense of urgency within us.

This could be as simple as picturing the clutter that will accumulate if we don’t clean our house or as significant as imagining the health issues we might face if we don’t start exercising. By picturing the future we don’t want, we can motivate ourselves to take action toward the future we do want.

13) Focus on the Benefits

Another effective strategy is to focus on the benefits of completing a task.

Instead of dwelling on the effort it requires, consider the rewards that await at the finish line. This could be the satisfaction of a job well done, the relief of ticking something off your to-do list, or the joy of achieving a long-term goal.

By keeping our eyes on the prize, we can make the journey more enjoyable and maintain our motivation to reach the end.

14) Replace Negative Thoughts With Positive Ones

Our mindset plays a crucial role in our motivation levels. Negative thoughts can drain our energy and make tasks seem more complicated than they really are.

By consciously replacing these negative thoughts with positive ones, we can change our perspective and boost our motivation. For instance, instead of thinking, “This is too hard,” we can tell ourselves, “I can do this.” Or instead of saying, “I’ll never finish this,” we can say, “I’m making progress even if it’s small.” This shift in mindset can make a significant difference in our motivation and overall outlook.

15) Reflect on How Far You’ve Come

Often, we get so caught up in the hustle of daily life that we forget to acknowledge our accomplishments.

If that sounds like you, take a moment to reflect on your journey and how far you’ve come. Think back to all the challenges you’ve overcome and the milestones you’ve achieved. This can give you a much-needed confidence boost and remind you of your ability to overcome obstacles, which is a great way to reignite that spark of motivation.

16) Remind Yourself of Your “Why”

Remembering why you started in the first place can be a powerful motivator. What is your purpose? What are you working toward? Reconnecting with your “why” can provide a sense of direction and inspire you to keep going, even when things get tough.

17) Try a Different Angle

If you’re finding it challenging to get motivated for your task or objective, why not mix things up a bit?

For example, if your objective is to eat more healthily, yet you find yourself reaching for fast food instead, try a new, healthy recipe. Or if you find it hard to get up from the couch and get moving, replace your run with another sport you normally don’t do. This can help you to freshen up, get energized, and find motivation to get things done.

You could also try looking at your task or what you want to achieve from a different perspective. This can help you see new possibilities and solutions that you might have overlooked before. A fresh approach can improve your motivation and make the task seem less daunting.

Woman Listening To Music

18) Listen to an Upbeat Song

Never underestimate the power of music! Listening to an upbeat song can instantly lift your mood and boost your motivation.

Music can stimulate your brain, increase your energy levels, and make you feel more positive. So, the next time you’re feeling low on motivation, put on your favorite upbeat song and let the music work its magic.

19) Decide on a Reward

One of the most effective ways to boost your motivation is to reward yourself. This doesn’t necessarily mean splurging on expensive items or indulging in unhealthy habits.

It could be as simple as treating yourself to your favorite book, spending an hour on a hobby you love, or enjoying a relaxing bath after a long day’s work. The key is to associate the completion of a task with a positive outcome, making the process of working toward your goals more enjoyable.

20) Take a Break

Contrary to what you may believe, taking breaks is not a sign of weakness or lack of discipline. In fact, taking breaks and resting is a crucial part of maintaining motivation.

Our brains are not designed to work non-stop – they need time to rest and recharge. So, don’t feel guilty about taking a break. Whether it’s a short walk, a quick nap, or just a few moments of quiet reflection, taking a break can help refresh your mind and boost your motivation.


It’s okay to have days when your motivation seems to have disappeared. You’re not alone in this! After all, motivation is not a constant state of being. It fluctuates, and that’s perfectly normal.

The key is to understand what motivates you and to find strategies that work best for you. Whether it’s setting clear and achievable goals, acting like you are already motivated, rewarding yourself, or pairing a dreaded task with something you enjoy, there are many ways to reignite that inner fire.

So, don’t be too hard on yourself. You’re human, and sometimes, you just need a little push to get back on track.

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